“Reality Has Infinite Pixels”
..is the title of this body of work, consisting of four oil paintings, in combination with 11 silkscreen prints. It serves as an invitation to put in question, what it is, that our experience is made of. Is the perceiving subject, really separated from the perceived? Where does the knowing of experience take place? In a head or as the objects of experience?
100x60cm, 200x125 cm, 200x125cm, 50x30cm - oil on canvas // A3 silkscreen on paper
The text above the paintings, tells about the conventional western worldview. The worldview of subject and object. It is written in the present tense until it reaches the point of “BUT ..” from where on the text is repeating itself in the past, suggesting a moment of realisation.
pictures taken by Thomas Freiler and Francisca Dias